Livro em Homenagem ao Professor Doutor Alexandre Castro Caldas
Ana Maria Abreu | André Peres | André Perrotta | Andreia Geraldo | Andrew Kertesz | António Damásio | Artemisa R. Dores | Carla Pais-Vieira | Carolina Kunicki | Cornelius Weiller | David del Río | Edward H.F. de Haan | Fernando Maestú | Filipa Ribeiro | Filomena Gomes | Hanna Damásio | Inês Ferreira | Inês Tello Rodrigues | Joana Macedo | Joana Rato | José Fonseca | Mara Moita | Maria Vânia Nunes | Marta Sepúlveda-Palomo | Michel Rijntjes | Miguel Pais-Vieira | Nicolás F. Lori | Patrícia Monteiro | Paulo Aguiar | Ricardo Nitrini | Rita Canaipa | Sandra Guerreiro | Sara Cavaco | Stefano Cappa
Unravelling Neurosciences Today is a tribute to Professor Alexandre Castro Caldas. This book has papers from fellow researchers, former students and colleagues who shared paths with Professor Castro Caldas throughout his extensive academic career.
Throughout his career, he worked and collaborated with numerous renowned scientists, some of whom paid tribute to him in this book through unpublished scientific and opinion articles. The first part of this book contains articles, ordered alphabetically, by fellow researchers and colleagues who worked and/or collaborated with Professor Alexandre Castro Caldas. The second part, also ordered alphabetically, contains the articles by his former doctoral and post-doctoral students which deal with common research interests. In the third and final part there is a tribute by a Brazilian colleague.
Notas Prévias / Preliminary Notes
Ana Mineiro; António Medina de Almeida, Margarida Vieira, Marlene Barros
Parte I
Artigos Científicos de Colegas / Scientific Papers by Colleagues
Progress in Persistent Postconcussion Syndrome
Andrew Kertesz
About Alexandre Castro Caldas, Colleague and Friend, and about a New Era in Neuroscience
António Damásio e Hanna Damásio
How learning to read in infancy shapes language-related brain networks: Studies through magnetoencephalography
David del Río, Marta Sepúlveda-Palomo e Fernando Maestú
Callosal syndromes: Symptoms and aetiologies
Edward H. F. de Haan
Afasia global e a sua recuperacao. Caso clínico com estereotipo
José Fonseca
Cross-linguistic investigations of language neurobiology: Focus on primary progressive afasia
Stefano Cappa
Parte II
Artigos Científicos de Alumni / Scientific Papers by Alumni
The effects of ICT pervasiveness on cognition and the brain: An opinion paper
Ana Maria Abreu
A Prática da Neuropsicologia Clínica: Analise Reflexiva
Artemisa R. Dores, Andreia Geraldo e Sandra Guerreiro
O papel do cortex cingulado medio na recuperacao de memorias associativas pessoalmente relevantes
Carla Pais Vieira
Neuromitos na Educacao: O Retrato Portugues
Joana Rato
Aging well, Aging better. Non-invasive electrical brain stimulation to stimulate memory in healthy aging
Filipa Ribeiro e Joana Macedo
The puzzling effect of education on malingering
Filomena Gomes, Inês Ferreira e Sara Cavaco
Post-stroke Aphasia – are rTMS a key to better recovery?
Inês Tello Rodrigues
A Hipotese do Periodo Critico para a Aquisicao da Linguagem e a Maturacao Neuronal: Uma Alianca Neurolinguistica para a Compreensao do Papel da Exposicao Linguistica
Mara Moita
Demencia: Uma breve reflexao
Maria Vânia Nunes
Ellipse fitting method for analysis of action potential dynamics
Miguel Pais-Vieira, André Perrotta, Carla Pais-Vieira, André Peres, Carolina Kunicki, Paulo Aguiar, Patrícia Monteiro e Nicolas F. Lori
Challenges of Pain Neuroscience: From the laboratory to the clinic
Rita Canaipa
Parte III
Outras Contribuições / Other Contributions
Tributo ao Professor Alexandre Castro Caldas
Ricardo Nitrini
Some memories from 2003
Cornelius Weiller e Michel Rijntjes
Ficha de dados
- 9789725409527
- Data
- 06-2023
- Edição
- 1ª
- Editora
- UCP Editora
- Páginas
- 324
- Dimensões
- 250 x 170 mm
- Tipo de produto
- Livro
- Idioma
- Bilingue
- Coleção
- Estudos em Homenagem
- Classificação temática
- Ciências da Saúde» Neurociências
- Coord./Org.
- Organizadores: Ana Mineiro | António Medina de Almeida | Margarida Vieira | Marlene Barros
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