Abel Campos | Alaor Leite | Alexandre Sousa Pinheiro | Ana Cristina Pereira | Ana Raquel Conceição | Ana Rita Alfaiate | Ana Rita Gil | Anabela Atanásio Alves | André Lamas Leite | Bárbara Reis | Bruna Ribeiro de Sousa | Bruno Contreiras Mateus | Bruno de Oliveira Moura | Carlos Ferreira da Silva | Carlos Ferro | Carlos Pinto de Abreu | David Dinis | David Pontes | Duarte Rodrigues Nunes | Fernanda Câncio | Filipa Aragão Homem | Francisco Teixeira da Mota | Germano Marques da Silva | Helena Bolina | Helena Morão | Helena Pereira de Melo | Henrique Monteiro | Inês Fernandes Godinho | Inês Ferreira Leite | Joana Amaral Rodrigues | João Conde Correia | Joaquim Vieira | José António Barreiros | José Neves da Costa | José Renato Gonçalves | Leonídio Paulo Ferreira | Luís Rosa | Luísa Meireles | Maria do Carmo Silva Dias | Maria Paula Ribeiro de Faria | Nelson Ribeiro | Nuno Igreja Matos | Nuno Tiago Pinto | Patrícia Jerónimo | Paulo Dá Mesquita | Paulo Pena | Paulo Pinto de Albuquerque | Paulo Saragoça da Matta | Pedro Coelho | Pedro Garcia Marques | Pedro Jerónimo | Raquel Brízida Castro | Renato Lopes Militão | Rosa Pedroso Lima | Rui Tavares Lanceiro | Sandra Oliveira e Silva | Sandra Tavares | Sofia Branco | Sofia Pinto Coelho | Teresa Pizarro Beleza | Teresa Quintela de Brito | Valentina Marcelino | Vânia Costa Ramos
Citizenship can be a central category for rebuilding and renewing democracy, since it best compounds a liberal recognition of the primacy of individual rights with a recognition of the Republican duties generated by belonging to a political community. How to combine, however, the universalizing dynamics of individual rights with the particularistic dynamics typical of the responsibility-bond of communitarian traditions?To get out of this paralyzing divarication, it may be useful to resort to a notion of community belonging as a factor of inclusive and emancipatory universalization, not of exclusive and regressive particularism. This notion finds one of its strongest ideal and historical expressions in Christian ecclesiality. An exegetical and theological reconstruction of the process of self-definition in which particular communities have united as a single community in the early Church can be of great help in focusing questions, answers, possible solutions and difficulties of the current process of internal and external integration of national societies in relation to internal divisive tendencies and processes of undifferentiated external assimilation. I. SECTION
From where to where
The Word of God as root and verbal matrix of history
Communities in the horizon of globalization
Ecclesial universality as a principle of unity and not of identity
Ecclesiality as a historical paradigm of the principle of universalization of community belonging: the activation of inclusion as inclusiveness
Many peoples: diversity and inter-communitarian communion
Inter-communitarian similarity
Inter-communitarian cardinality of intersection
Inter-communitarian sociality of intersection: interdependence
For a non-sovereignist notion of citizenship
Giving the right in communion and being mindful of the poor
Application horizons
For a not unilaterally individualistic reconstruction of human dignity.
The complementarity of universalistic communitarism and human rights
Community belonging and sociality, an implication at risk
The protection of community belonging
Universalistic communitarism
Community belonging between particularity and universality
The case of the family
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Data sheet
- 9789725405895
- Date
- 02-2018
- Edition
- 1ª
- Publisher
- Pages
- 80
- Kind of product
- eBook
- Language
- English
- Serie
- Teologia e Estudos de Religião
- Thematic Classification
- Teologia » Estudos de Religião
- URL_eBook
- https://www.leyaonline.com/pt/livros/religiao/radix-matrix-ebook/
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