Rosa Maria Perez
Rosa Maria Perez is a professor of the Department of Anthropology of ISCTE University of Lisbon Institute and she is currently a visiting and chair professor (Anthropology) at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Gandhinagar (spring). Since 2 she was a regular visiting professor at the Department of Portuguese Studies, of Anthropology and of the Watson Institute of International Relations, Brown University. Her core research is on Indian society and social segregation (with special focus on untouchables and women), colonialism and post-colonialism in India, fieldwork methodology, globalization and Diaspora and anthropology and cinema. Perez is a member of the Council of the European Association for South Asian Studies (EASAS), a member of Steering Committee, Instituto Universitario Europeo (European University Institute), Firenze, and of the Pool of Reviewers of Anthropology, European Science Foundation. She served as a member of the Committee for Advanced Asian Studies of the European Science Foundation, for which executive board she was appointed, of the Anthropology Expert Panel of the European Reference Index for the Humanities (ERIH), of the Pool of Experts, European Network for Contemporary Research on India (ENCARI), under the European Commission. From 21 to 213 she was a counsellor of the Minister for Science and Technology, Portugal (Scientific Council for the Social Sciences and the Humanities). Her last books in English are: The Tulsi and the Cross. Anthropology and the Colonial Encounter in Goa, Delhi, Orient Blackswan, 211 (1st edition out of stock, 2nd edition in print), Kings and untouchables: a study of the caste system in western India, New Delhi, DC Publishers (3rd edition, out of stock). She is currently editing a book on The Empire at the Margins. Subaltern Voices of the Portuguese Colonialism in India, to be published by Routledge. She is a member of the editorial board of Portuguese and international scientific journals.
Organização: Anabela Mendes
Organização: Anabela Mendes