Christopher Damien Auretta
Christopher Damien Auretta received his doctorate in Hispanic Languages and Literature from the University of California, Santa Barbara. He teaches at the New University of Lisbon, where he lectures on Topics in Contemporary Thought as well as on Science and Literature, focusing particularly on the aesthetic representations of technico-scientificrationality. He has published and/or participated in Colloquia in regard to the work of António Gedeão, Fernando Pessoa, Jorge de Sena, Machado de Assis, Primo Levi, and Roald Hoffmann, as well as on aspects of bioart. He has also translated poems by Fernando Pessoa and António Gedeão into English. Recent publications include: Dez Anos in Portugal, Ensaios, Prosa, Poesia, Álvaro de Campos, Autobiografia de uma Odisseia Moderna,Fernando Pessoas Mnemosyne Project: Myth, Heteronomy, and the Modern Genealogy of Meaning, António Gedeão, Poemas/Poems, Diário de Bordo, Aspectos do Pensamento Contemporâneo, Pequeno vade-mécum ad loca infecta: para docentes, estudantes e outros mártires (=testemunhas) da modernidade cansados mas ainda capazes de uma ténue
esperança, and David Cronenbergs Mad Scientist in The Fly: Allegories of the Lab (Presses Universitaires de Rennes), and Em Torno do Cinema, Visualizando a Modernidade: Narrativas e Olhares do Ecrã. He has published four volumes of poetry, three of which are published in a volume entitled A Small Atlas of Earth, In Recollection of Legacies and Patterns of Growth.