The recently published second issue of Volume VIII of the Market and Competition Law Review explores some of the challenges posed by sustainability, cartels and concentrations in the European market.
In particular, this issue provides relevant insight on the articulation between competition and the recently adopted corporate sustainability due diligence directive, with contributions by Marc Veenbrik and Johan van de Gronden, who focuses on sustainability and competition law from the angle of State aid and Services or General Economic Interest. Moreover, the issue covers the at-vogue topic of standard arbitration agreements and cartel damages, on which Antonio Robles Martin-Laborda provides relevant insights. In another article, Catalin Rusu explores the coherence between EU concentrations-related instruments, which is an increasingly important and complex area of study.
Lastly, the book reviewed in this issue, conducted by Benedita Sequeira, is of Magnus Strand’s and Ignacio García-Perrote Martínez’s second edition of “The Passing-on Problem in Damages and Restitution under EU Law”.
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