Sign language starts out as a mother tongue for a community of people, the deaf. It develops like the rest of the languages, presenting variants and concepts defined by Linguistics (science that studies language) as well as characteristics conferred by the history of the deaf and their geography (nationality), making it as rich and valuable as any other. The Portuguese Sign Language collection brings together scientific content from areas such as language sciences, neurosciences and educational sciences, adapted and translated into Portuguese Sign Language. There are 24 book + DVD manuals initially created to transmit the curricula taught in the Portuguese Sign Language Degree at the Universidade Católica Portuguesa, always combining the Portuguese version and the respective adaptation in Portuguese Sign Language. The Portuguese Sign Language Degree was entirely adapted for profound deaf people who, through blearning methods, obtained competences and higher academic training which resulted in a highly differentiating factor in their insertion in the labor market. The degree gave rise to a master's degree highly specialized offered by the Institute of Health Sciences of the Universidade Católica Portuguesa and all the work carried out between 2008 and 2012 to materialize the Portuguese Sign Language collection created deep roots in the research carried out by deaf academics and aimed at the deaf community.
Scientific Coordination
Ana Mineiro
Coordenação: Ana Mineiro
Research in sign language linguisticsJosep Quer
Marta Morgado
Marta Morgado
Sandra Nascimento
Sandra Nascimento
Ana Mineiro | José Pedro Ferreira | Mariana Martins
O que são, como se fazem e para que servemAna Mineiro | José Pedro Ferreira | Mariana Martins
Alexandre Castro Caldas | Maria Vânia Nunes
Alexandre Castro Caldas | Maria Vânia Nunes
Rita Mendonça Freire Nogueira Faria
Rita Mendonça Freire Nogueira Faria
Ana Margarida Abrantes
Ana Margarida Abrantes
Ronice Müller de Quadros
Ronice Müller de Quadros
Alexandre Castro Caldas | Joana Castelo-Branco | Maria do Céu Roldão
Alexandre Castro Caldas | Joana Castelo-Branco | Maria do Céu Roldão
Margarita Correia | Sandra Nascimento
Margarida Correia | Sandra Nascimento
Marianne Stumpf
Noções básicas e práticas avançadasMarianne Stumpf
Pedro Ladeira Barros
Pedro Ladeira Barros
Paulo Vaz de Carvalho
Obras de ReferênciaPaulo Vaz de Carvalho
Marta Morgado
Marta Morgado
Paulo Vaz de Carvalho
Paulo Vaz de Carvalho
José Afonso Baptista
Temas e problemas da educação inclusivaJosé Afonso Baptista
Aline Lemos Pizzio | Ronice Müller de Quadros
Aline Lemos Pizzio | Ronice Muller de Quadros
Carla Branco | Cristina Caroça | Inês Moreira | João Paço | Maria Manuel Henriques
Carla Branco | Cristina Caroça | Inês Moreira | João Paço | Maria Manuel Henriques
Sandra Nascimento
Sandra Nascimento